Side to Center Kettlebell Workout

I completed the Weck Method certification a few weeks ago with Chris Chamberlin and David Weck in San Diego. I learned a ton about how to effectively train the core for locomotion, speed, agility, and strength. Their method of training the core is called “coiling core”, and it works to deeply activate the lats, obliques, and deep core muscles. You can incorporate the “coil” into almost any movement, and I had so much fun playing around with the coiled swing that I decided to include it in today’s workout! If you’d like to learn more about Weck Method, I suggest you check out their website and attend a course.

Without further ado, here is the workout…

Set a timer for 10 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible with good form:

  • Coiled swing 8/8

  • Plank around the world 2

Set a timer for 10 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible with good form:

  • Side lunge 8/8

  • Banana roll 4

PS - All the movements in the video below have been sped up besides the coiled swing; feel free to go as slow as needed to maintain form.