Squat Mobility Program

Squat Mobility Program


Almost every conventional fitness class or training program today incorporates squats in some form or fashion, and for good reason: squatting builds a ton of posterior chain, core, and back strength. Squatting is a natural human position, used throughout the ages to hang out, eat, play games, or defecate. The ability to do a deep squat -- meaning the hips break parallel and perhaps even reach “ass to grass” status -- exemplifies a high degree of mobility throughout the body.

There are 4 key areas that need to be addressed for squat mobility:

1) Feet, ankles, and calves.

2) Hamstrings.

3) Hips.

4) Spine.

The Squat Mobility Program addresses all 4 areas listed above in a simple mobility routine you can follow to develop a good squat, or to take a good squat to great!

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